I wandered around in the streets of my home city Alexandria tryig to get back some of the memories on what the Holy month of Ramadan was when i was young, as we go around i found that it is still the same it's all about reading Qura'n and praying to God, still Mosques are like a sanctuary for all Muslims to find inner peace and salvation, stillPEOPLE decorate the streets eat the traditional food behave in good manners to each other .. and this is when i truly felt am HOME.

since i was young i see this shop, probably the oldest shop ever to make Beadroll witch is used after prayer tor Tasbeeh for Muslims , some of them are unique rocks and wood and marble.hundreds and hundreds of them in that shop over the years and even though they look very old but still they are original, he was reading Qura'n before Iftar time .

It's the Holy Month Ramadan, when all thePEOPLE care about is getting closer to God, Anywhere any time , that mad was Praying Ala'sr Prayer in his shop while fasting and waiting for Iftar to go home and eat . in these places you see people either praying or reading Qura'n all the time

His name is Magdy, what he does is repairing shoes , his shop is very old he invited us to come inside and take his photos while the customers are busy telling him what they want to repair. he was very kind and sweet he let me take his photo be cause i reminded him of his daughter.

In Ramadan before Iftar time walking around in theMARKET i passed by this man his name is Mustafa , at first he refused to be photographed but then after convincing him that i am not press he agreed, like most Egyptians he has a lot of stories to tell a lot of Bordon on his shoulders but maybe this photo managed to make him happy doing what he is doing in the photo while fasting.

I wandered around in the streets of my home city Alexandria tryig to get back some of the memories on what the Holy month of Ramadan was when i was young, as we go around i found that it is still the same it's all about reading Qura'n and praying to God, still Mosques are like a sanctuary for all Muslims to find inner peace and salvation, stillPEOPLE decorate the streets eat the traditional food behave in good manners to each other .. and this is when i truly felt am HOME.